New Release
- Stephanie Madsen
With twenty-five interviews and more than 100 color photos of Denmark, the secrets of the Danes are revealed. Why are they amongst the top three countries for happiness year after year

New Release
SWEET LEGOLAND® – “40 years a globe trotter… I finally discovered the secret of happiness and easy living in Denmark!” – THE ULTIMATE REFERENCE TO PERSONAL WELL-BEING, FROM THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE ON EARTH
Illustrated with more than 80 color photos
Danish butter cookies and Lego, you know about… but did you also know:
– Danish taxpayers are the most highly taxed in the world;
– In the winter, the nights average a span of 16 to 18 hours of darkness for several months:
– The cost of living in Denmark is one of the most expensive in the world!
However, Danes are considered by many as the happiest people on earth!
Danish/French/Haitian Stephanie Madsen has spent 40 years traveling the world and living in places as warm as Haiti, as rich as California, and as chic as France. However, it’s in Denmark that she finally discovered the secrets of happiness and easy living. That’s why she decided to move there in 2008 and make it her home.
Her unique expose on Danish living is the result of ten years of investigation and interviews with many Danish personalities.
They reveal what they think about the “genuine Danish spirit”, the amazing heritage and traditions of the country, of this exceptionally influential society.
Stephanie discloses these beautiful Danish life lessons that can transform you for the better at many levels in a way that is as fascinating as it is educational: it is going to suddenly bring you out of the growing morosity and pessimism that increasingly sabotage our morale, our optimism and our joy of living.
You are going to discover:
– The great keys to happiness and easy living of the Danes;
– The Danish meaning of “success”;
– More than anyone else, the Danes have a lot of free time for leisure, family, friends and enjoying life. How can they achieve that balance so well?;
– How the Danes so easily make friends and socialize, no matter where they are in the world!;
– Scandinavian methods to improve your relationships through “Danish hygge”;
– The inspiration for Danish independence and productivity;
– The amazing secrets of the Danish healthy lifestyle;
… and there’s more, way more to discover in this little book full of unexpected surprises!
From now on, get inspired by the magnificent and exemplary Danish way of thinking and living.
If you don’t have the time and means to visit Denmark to discover the keys to happiness and the secrets of the easy life of the Danes, then just simply bring these Scandinavian secrets directly to your home with this exciting book on Danish way of life.
Don’t want to wait?
Then, order the e-book version now (at less than half price) and start your fabulous journey to Denmark in the next few minutes…

A Word From The Author
Of Danish origin, Stephanie Madsen was born in France and raised in Haiti. She went to university in California where she lived for fifteen years, then moved to France and finally settled in Denmark in 2008, all the while pursuing a career in international business. She has always been interested in discovering new cultures and investigating what makes us tick as societies.
Stephanie Madsen
Stephanie Madsen
What's So Special About The Danes?
Taking an honest look at modern-day Denmark, Stephanie Madsen dives deep within the country’s psyche, interviewing pundits and opinion leaders as well as foreigners adjusting to the “Danish way” and born-and-bred Danes. Their insights will open your eyes to what it’s really like living in Denmark – and if it may be for you. Forget travel books, this is the real deal, a must-read for anyone curious about Denmark and Scandinavian mores. Foreword by Francois Zimeray ambassador of France in Denmark.

What Readers Are Saying

A couple of years ago I visited the HarperCollins headquarters in New York and was surprised to find that all my international publishing colleagues were talking about Danish “hygge” (pronounced “hugge”!) and “happiness” – these were the buzz words and talk of the town. Stephanie Madsen's book is actually more comprehensive than the bestselling books about Hygge and Happiness..This new book by Stephanie Madsen, SWEET LEGOLAND®, not only explains these Nordic phenomenons, hygge, and happiness but goes far deeper than that; it also deals with more serious topics such as the Law of Jante, religion, and women’s rights among others. For that reason this book is not only highly recommendable to people outside Denmark or tourists visiting the country for the first time; it is also of interest to us Danes in order to understand ourselves as a people. As Danish author Piet Hein puts it : "Denmark seen from a foreign land/Looks but like a grain of sand Denmark as we Danes conceive it/Is so big you won’t believe it Why not let us compromise/About Denmark’s proper size? Which will truly please us all/Since its’ greater than it’s small" Hans Henrik Schwab, Senior editor at Frydenlund Publishing, Frederiksberg, Denmark
I was pleasantly surprised by Stephanie Madsen’s book. Her style of writing is simple, clear like a Nordic pond and very direct, making it easy and pleasant to read. I learned a few things about the Danes, their culture and behavior. This book is a must read for any foreigners who want to move to Denmark and for the expats already living there. The Danes will find suggestions on how to become more open, to understand and acknowledge cultural differences, how to address it and help others integrate to their culture. Her photos are fantastic and entice us to visit Denmark. Whether or not the Danes are the happiest people is behind the point. Happiness is very suggestive, and differently perceived by each individual. It is not something that can be quantified using living standards, access to social programs, or materialistic achievements of a society. It has more to do with love of oneself and from others, freedom, a certain feeling of equality, acceptance by our peers, the ability to trust others and the State and be able to count on them in case of need. Stephanie introduces us and explain the principles of « hygge » and « jantelov » that are very dear to the Danish culture and lead to a better understanding of their behaviors. Also, her book goes far beyond that making us to questions our selves about how we behave, how people perceive us and if we are functioning well in our relationships and social circles. I was constantly drowned to this parallel, introspection about myself, as I was reading SWEET LEGOLAND®. At the end we understand Danish culture better, acknowledge and accept cultural differences, and find that there is always room to improve our selves, to be more open to other, to see the others point of view and growth. How enlightening! Bravo Stephanie! My favorite citation: “The German concept of “volksgeist” also influenced Grundtvig. The term refers to the spirit of the people, the idea that a country consists not just of people but of values and an intangible essence.”