2020 Denmark

Last night our Prime Minister said that the statistics in Denmark looked good and that if we keep on the same path she will open up Denmark again gradually after Easter that is in two weeks time so today there were more people in the streets you can see from this picture if you compare with the first photo it is the same street.

Yesterday it was Merete’s birthday Merete is my aunt and she lives in Holmgaardsparken and with corona i can’t visit her in her apartment but i can come outside her apartment. So i surprised her yesterday and stood outside. She sent me virtual hugs and kisses she was so happy. She turned 91 and is well.

Today I walked to church and I found myself in front of the entrance i talked about before. So I went in and this is what I saw. The path is not clear so eventhough i found the gate I am still on my path. today at church Mikkel the priest talked about letting God in our hearts and i thought yes God has come in my life he showed me the gate and i am so happy so I will live with God’s love for me which makes me happy.